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Let's Eat the Old Folks

Words & Music by Steve Gillette

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Let's eat, let's eat the old folks, the homeless and the poor.
If the four food groups are not enough, let's just add one more.
Let's eat, let's eat the old folks, don't let ‘em go to waste,
Let's show ‘em that we value their good taste.

We'll give mom the Joy of Cooking on her new rotisserie
With Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima and old Chef Boyardee.
There'll be treasured family recipes in all the gourmet magazines.
Just think what grandma could do for the flavor of green beans.

Let's eat, let's eat the old folks.  Why not give it a try
with a salty fisherman's platter or a humble shepherd's pie.
Let's eat, let's eat the old folks, don't let ‘em go to waste.
Let's show ‘em that we value their good taste.

Folks say my plum pudding is the best they ever had.
It's because I add that special touch, three fingers of Old Grand-Dad.

Let's eat, the homeless and the poor.
If the four food groups are not enough, let's just add one more.
Let's eat, let's eat the old folks, don't let ‘em go to waste,
Let's show ‘em that we value their good taste.

Let's show ‘em we appreciate their experience and good taste.

©2018 Compass Rose Music, BMI

Available for download as hi-res MP3 or lossless FLAC from our store here: Downloads


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